Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative
Coming Together for Healthy Forests & Communities
Restoration Library
This folder includes reading materials that give context to forest restoration work in Oregon. The readings were collected in early stages of the Rigdon Landscape Planning process but are applicable to future projects. This is a good starting point for anyone new to restoration work.
Topics range from forest collaboratives and fire science to diversity and inclusion in the outdoors and stewardship. Explore the links below for upcoming and pre-recorded learning opportunities.
PNW Forest Collaborative Workshop Webinar Series |Webinar series hosted by Sustainable Northwest
California Fire Seminar Series |Webinar series put out by the UC Berkeley Fire Research Group and CA Fire Science Consortium
Gateway and Natural Amenity Migration (GNAR) Initiative | Webinar series hosted by Utah State University entitled Boom Town: Amenity Migration in the Rural West & the Rise of the “Zoom Town"
Fire in the Shrub Steppe Webinar Series | Hosted by the Washington Prescribed Fire Council and their partners
2020 Forest Stewardship Summer Webinars | Hosted by Washington State University
Northern Rockies Fire Science Network Joint Fires Science Program | Webinar entitled Assessing the Work of Wildfires and Identifying Post-fire Management Needs
Diversity and Inclusion in the Outdoors | Panel discussion entitled Being Welcomed is Not Enough
Shared Stewardship Peer Learning Series | A seven-part series hosted by the National Forest Foundation
Wildfire Risk
Mapping Climate Vulnerability | Interactive map project by InvestigateWest
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in Columbia River Gorge, Mount Hood National Forest, and Willamette National Forest | Report by Adaptation Partners