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Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative
Coming Together for Healthy Forests & Communities

Field Tour Gives Neighbors a Chance to Weigh in on the Future of Wildfire Resilience
Members of the public join SWFC and FS staff to discuss the future of wildfire resilience in the Dead Mtn area The annual wildfires that...

Oakridge Secures Grant for Solar Project at the Willamette Activity Center
Proposed solar panel placement on WAC roof The Willamette Activity Center (WAC) Fundraising Group is excited to announce another recent...

Field Trip Revisiting Rock Stewardship Sale
Members of the Implementation Advisory Committee revisited the Rock Stewardship Sale area today. The group reviewed recommendations and...

Elected Officials Field Tour: Caring About the Land and Rural Economies
Yesterday four elected officials and the Oakridge City Administrator joined the Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative and Partners on...

Take a Self-Guided Field Trip of Youngs Rock Rigdon
If you haven't had a chance to make it to a public field trip or just want to investigate the project area at your own pace, you can now...

Public Comment Period Open for Youngs Rock Rigdon Project
The Forest Service is in the initial scoping comment phase for the Youngs Rock Rigdon Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This project...

Tonight: Learn about the Rigdon project with the MRG Sierra Club Group
SWFC's Sarah Altemus-Pope and OSU research scientist James Johnston will present an overview of the Rigdon landscape and the fire history...

2019 Pacific Northwest Forest Collaborative Workshop
SWFC Attends the 2019 Pacific Northwest Forest Collaboratives Workshop! Members from the Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative...

Collaborative Solutions for Healthy Forests & Communities
The Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative made a visit to Eastern Oregon for an all-day peer learning exchange with Wallowa Resources!...

Meet our New Interns!
Meet our new interns Katie Fields & Katie Kerekes! Katie Fields - Intern Katie is interning with SWFC this spring while she completes...
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